The main purpose of our project is to provide mentoring through financial education to people or families who are at risk of losing their ability to cover basic needs. We want to train the management skills of medium and long-term income so that the beneficiaries make correct decisions in managing their own income so that they can get out of the vulnerability area.
The course contains information about :
- family budget;
- value of the products;
- production process and related jobs;
- identification of the skills for earning their own money;
- importance of spendings for their own education ;
- Necessary versus priority, etc.
The BANOMETRU fund is a component of the BANOMETRU Programme, a free and flexible programme addressed to those who have difficulties in managing their personal budget, a programme conducted by the Community Relations Association (ACR), The Real Life Education Association (AEVR) and ING Romania.
October 3th - Session for the volunteers of our association
The first session of the project was organised for volunteers from “We Help Association!”. At the end of the presentation, we analysed together the difficulty of the materials used and adapted them to be easier to understand by the other beneficiaries.
October 7th - Session for the parents
The second financial education session was for the parents of kids in the project “Help kids from disadvantages area to go to school!”. We have achieved many important topics for them and hope to see a positive change in each of them in their financial statements.
October 9th - Session in the village of Hosman
We were happy to reach the financial education sessions in the rural area of Sibiu. We were pleased to hear the conclusion of the beneficiaries at the end of the course “ Thanks to what you told us today, I realized that money means time in my life”(Mrs. Florica from the village of Hosman).
Thanks to Mr. Sorin Boica for helping us identify the people who need this course.
October 11th - Session in Ocna Sibiului
We organized a financial education session in Ocna Sibiului. Although this locality hosts a tourist resort with heliothermal lakes, a large part of its inhabitants lacks basic financial education. As a small group of beneficiaries, we have managed to achieve each of their punctual problems.
October 29th - Session for teachers
We organized a financial education session for the school teachers at the Hight School Saliste.
We believe that the financial education of people who make direct contact every day, both with children and disadvantaged people, can have a major impact on a community.
November 7th - online session
We organised a financial education session for some of the people we’ve worked with in our past projects. We know that they will further spread the principales of financial education to people we have failed to reach them.